Because L Glutamine makes up 31 percent of human muscle tissue it is clear that it is a serious priority in an athlete’s armoury.  Under clinical trial the high L Glutamine level in Ravager VI is compromised by gut lining scavenging.  This can be prevented with a daily dose of The Scavenger.

Scavenger is the safest way to deliver a high quantity of L Glutamine to our systems.  Free form L Glutamine is poisonous.  It must come as nature dictates, as a part of a protein, a peptide.  So, we started the search for the holy grail.  To find the peptide chain that contained the most L Glutamine.

We found a wheat isolate that is extremely rare, that is 47 percent L Glutamine.  We put it together into a spicy hot drink that tastes like a mild beef soup. 

L Glutamine has a wide range of positive functions once it is in our systems and the effective use of it will make a large difference to the level of success experienced by athletes and bodybuilders.

  • Why L Glutamine
  • As an amino acid it makes up 31 percent of human muscle tissue
  • More than 30 grams a day are scavenged by the gut lining
  • It has an anti-catabolic effect
  • It boosts the immune system
  • It heals colon and stomach damage often caused by bodybuilding diets


Take 10g first thing in the morning
Take a further 15g directly after training before your post workout meal.


In a perfect world I would propose the following as a mass gaining strategy.
For a 100kg male:  200g Ravager VI
                                    20cc Liquid Carbon Oil
                                    60 UXB
                                    30g Scavenger
That provides an awesome nutritional base and furnishes the nutritional net with the right materials and then ensures that those materials are absorbed through the stomach at the highest level possible.
